The Physis Foundation is a Swiss non-profit organization established in 2014 (Link to registration). It was founded by its president, Dr. Klaus Schustereder, a practicing physician (General Internal Medicine, FMH) in Switzerland, as a result of his world-wide experiences in medicine.
From 2005 to 2007, Dr. Schustereder worked as a doctor in Central African Republic. While there, and for months after returning to Europe, he personally experienced a total of 13 bouts of malaria. This health challenge opened his eyes to the huge problem with malaria and other common infectious diseases.
According to Dr. Schustereder low income countries require innovative health care approaches that differ from the usual western mindset. Treatments must be:
Ideally new technologies allow low income countries to become more autonomous on the economical level and support the human defense systems in a systemic way. This means therapy must adresse the somatic and psychological level of the patient). The principles of homeopathy treatment are of particular interest as they correspond to systemic thinking. Despite the controversy about homeopathy, the results that could be achieve over a period of almost 20 years speak for themselves.
Increasing economical autonomy in health care and triggering systemic amelioration of the people suffering from epidemic disease are key parameters for long term success in health care projects. We see that in war zones improving health care and creating a dialogue with the opposition is generating peace. We are very grateful for be able to make a contribution in such areas as peace and security are the fondamental base for any society. Orienting health care in such a direction is also way to fight corruption, in coherence with human rights and helping to explore human potential.
Dr. Schustereder is routinely invited to various African and Asian countries to assist in healthcare projects.
Welcome to our website. The following paragraphs will provide some information about us. We will try to guide you through our thoughts on infectious disease, intercultural cooperation, how medicine can contribue in war zones in a peace process and why we believe that innovative ideas in medicine will play a crucial role in the evolution of societies in low income countries.
Enjoy reading!
The Physis Foundation investigates innovative ideas in the field of epidemic diseases and war trauma. All the projects organized by the Physis Foundation are done either in collaboration with ministries of health or other governmental organisations. Currently, we are active in Guinée/Conakry and Afghanistan.
We researches co-factors contributing in the evolution of infectious disease. We try to evaluate in a systemic way factors contributing in the emergence of infectious diseases. There is no doubt that microbes are the key trigger in the evolution of a clinical picture in infectious diseases. Yet co-factors seem to give the clinical picture its individual form. Seeing the origins and clinical evolution of an infectious disease from a systemic perspective is very helpful to understand better patients individual way to cope with the disease. It furthermore opens up new concepts for treatment.
Multi-causality in the evolution of infectious disease like the impact of specific trauma like war trauma or rape motivated to us to reach out for partners in war affected countries. In 2019 the foundation extended its activity and started working with partners in Afghanistan.
The individual reactivity towards parasites, bacteria or viruses depends on the individuals reactivity. Traumatic experiences can significantly impact immune responses to microbiological stress. We chose Afghanistan to study war trauma as a co-factor in the evolution of epidemic diseases.
Approaching infectious disease form a systemic perspective shows the potential and limitations of conventional treatments like antibiotics, anti-virals or anti-parasitic medication. Clinical observation has shown that addressing co factors can make a significant contribution in improving patients health suffering from infectious disease. Clinical observation shows that amplification of a maximum of adaptive response (the somatic and psychological level of the patients needs to be addressed) is the ideal way to restore health. To achieve this an approach is needed to that is not drug based, but information based. This can be achieved by imprinting disease specific information in water. We call the approach Source Medicine. It can be considered as a disease specific approach based on homeopathic principles.
We chose the name Physis as it has its origine in the Greek mythology and represents the goddess of nature. We are convinced that the best way to support and help people with medical problems is to flow nature’s plan.
We support humanitarian projects in Central African Republic (CAR). Eva and Klaus have lived several years in CAR. They know quite a lot about the situation on the ground. The implementation of western approaches is often associated with huge difficulties on many different levels. Since information obtained from the mainstream media is very often of little significance. We are convinced that a permanent dialogue with the people on the ground is the only way to learn about the realities the locals are facing.
Due to the initiative of Madame Barry from Montreux Switzerland who is originally from Guinea, Dr Schustereder and Mr. Rafiq Parwiz visited Conakry in June 2019. On the 10th of June, Dr. Schustereder met the minister of health to put into place a project to help children and adults suffering from sickle cell anemia.
Sickle cell anemia (SCA) is a disease provoking massive joint pains, weakness, lack of breath and numerous other symptoms. There is no causal treatment available except symptomatic treatment.
A new technology based on information imprinted in water triggering a systemic adaptive response has show to be very effective in treating SCA.
This treatment is safe, cheap, effective and very simple to apply.
The ministry of health has approved the project in Anta.
Collaboration with the Public Health Directory in Maimana/Province Fayrab/Afghanistan.
In june 2020 a collaboration has been started with the public health directory in Maimana / Province Fayrab / Afghanistan.
The province of Faryab is one of the most dangerous provinces in Afghanistan. Most of the province is under the control of the Taliban. The capital Maimana is under province controlled by the government.
The Physis foundation received an invitation to support the Health Department in Maimana to develop strategies to improve mortality and morbidity in the Covid 19 pandemic.
The Physis Foundation contributes in the development of a systemic view of life, where living organisms are perceived as autopoetic systems integrated in dynamic networks. The qualities and potentials of living organisms depend on their complexity and interconnectedness with their environment and their internal realms. The human being is seen as an entity with physical, psychological, social, ecological and spiritual qualities and needs.
The worldview created by Western science and dominating its culture is not compatible with the notion of spirituality. In a post Cartesian world view spirituality is an integrative part. The human nature is not limited to a purely physical, emotional or social entity integrated in an ecological context of a time space continuum, but has the ability to transcend into transpersonal realms. Transcendence is an emergent property of humans. Evolution on a spiritual level is the imperative of the human experience.